Year of the Dog Fun Workshop 狗年旺財活動日


Year of the Dog Fun Workshop will be held on 18/2 (Sun) from 2-5pm! Everybody can come to join us to celebrate the year of the dog, activities include lantern DIY, Lucky cookies baking, riddle games and other festival events!

Entry fee is $100/ kid all inclusive, bring your buddies to join our joyful event!

Click here to signup online


狗年旺財活動日將於大年初三星期日18/2 下午2-5點舉行, 歡迎各位大大細細小朋友一齊參加! 活動包括可愛燈籠DIY ,有獎燈謎遊戲,揮春曲奇制作以及更多新年慶祝節目!

活動費用每位小朋友$100 已包括所有費用
