We wish to express our sincerest gratitude for all of your effort in 100 Fun’s First Day Camp! The teachers especially were crucial to our success, and we want to say thank you again.
What did all of you learn in our day camp?
新學年仲有唔夠2 個星期就開始啦~大家做好暑期功課未啊? 有冇好好咁利用假期學習多D野呢?
本中心為大家安排左個可以學到野又開心又好玩又學到野既DAY CAMP!

Date: 21/8 – 22/8
Time: 1:00-5:00 pm
Venue: 100 Fun Kids Education Centre
1/F, 18 Tsat Tsz Mui Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Fee: $500 all Inclusive
Schedule of Our Activities
Day 1 21/8 (Thu)
1:00-2:00 Make Your Own Lunch!
– You are going to design and make your own lunch! Ingredients and recipes are provided
2:00-3:30 Our Signature English Language Learning Class (1)
– Do you find it boring when having English in school? You will change your mind if you took our i-Ready English Class with our Teacher Welton
3:30-4:15 Design Your Own Graffiti T-Shirt
– Graffiti is a kind of street art that links with graphic design and illustration. Nowadays Graffiti drawing is a stylistic direction in painting.
4:15-5:00 Handmade Goods
– Would you like to make a unique picture frame with your own design ? You can make it with different kinds of materials, such as clay, wood, or cardboard together with paint, sparkles etc.
Day 2 22/8 (Fri)
1:00-2:00 Make Your Own Lunch!
– Did you enjoy making your own lunch yesterday? We are going to make another nutritious, yummy lunch today!
Ingredients and recipes are provided
2:00-3:30 Our Signature English Language Learning class (2)
– Did you have fun when having English classes in our centre? Hopefully Teacher Welton changed your mind about traditional English classes.
3:30-5:00 3D Modelling – Build a Playhouse
– Have you ever tried to build a cardboard house? Today you are going to build your own cardboard playhouse with recycled cardboard, various recycled materials such as newspapers, gift wrappings, pasta etc.