二十世紀,英軍已將壁球這項運動引入香港。香港第一個壁球場建於已拆卸的域多利兵房 (現址是香港公園),定名為香港壁球中心,亦即現是香港壁球總會總辦事處的所在地。 在過去四十年,壁球在港有了顯著普及的發展。這除了證明壁球不單是最適合本地人的競賽活動,亦是一項有益身心的康體活動。
Hong Kong was introduced to squash by the armed services in the early 20th Century. The first squash court was built on the site of the present Hong Kong Squash Centre in the Army grounds of Victoria Barracks as it was then, but Hong Kong Park as it is now. It is also where Hong Kong Squash is located. Hong Kong Squash Rackets Association (HKSRA) was founded in 1961. Squash, over the past 40 years in Hong Kong, has grown enormously in popularity and has proven a most suitable sport for the local Chinese players not only in competition but also in recreation.
- 首15分鐘: 熱身運動
- 后30分鐘上課: 基本壁球練習
- 后5-10 分鐘: 休息時間
- 后15分鐘: 遊戲時間
- 最後25-30 分鐘:壁球練習,如可掌握基本技術,可進行練習賽
- 正手向上控球
- 反手向上控球
- 正反控球
- 直線球
- 發球
- 接發球
- 側牆球
- 短球
- 凌空擊球
- 壁球基本戰術
Nelson Chan is a registered coach for Hong Kong Squash (HKS) and has experience in coaching the Hong Kong regional squad. He is an alumni of Raimondi College and is very enthusiastic about teaching squash. He was also a winner of Hong Kong Junior Squash Championships (boys under 19) and offered an athletic scholarship by Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Squash has become a popular and important sport among all walks of life in the community. Our aim is to train students to be one of the elite squash school school teams in Hong Kong. Therefore, the help and support from parents, students and school is very important for us to accomplish our goal.
如欲知道更多有關壁球的資訊, 請參閱壁球總會網頁http://www.hksquash.org.hk/