今年聖誕節活動將於12月17日星期日下午2-5點盛大舉行, 節目包羅萬有, 包括聖誕詩歌詠唱、焗製薑餅人、聖誕卡設計及印制、香氛蠟燭製作、嘉年華遊戲、幸運大抽獎以及聖誕大餐! 每位費用$100 歡迎大人小朋友一齊參加!請進入連結, 填上報名表格預留位置, 名額有限, 先到先得!
The annual 100 Fun Christmas Party 2017 will be held on 17th December (Sun) 2-5 pm. Festival activities include Christmas caroling, gingerbread man baking, Christmas card printing, DIY aromatic candles, bazaar games, lucky draw & also a Christmas Buffet!! $100/person all inclusive! All of you are welcome! Please reserve a place for you and your family or friends by filling out some information in this link. LIMITED ENTRY!