Junior / Secondary Library Workshop (Reading) 閱讀圖書小先鋒 (E3)

價錢 Price: $180 

8折$144 7折 $126

初級 Junior : Wed 12:00-13:00; 高級 Senior: Fri 12:00-13:00

Click the link to sign up 點入連結報名

– Junior: Aged 5-10 ; Senior: Aged 11-15
– Register minimum 6 sessions*

  • Develop reading habit and improve reading skills
  • Boost and achieve better grades in reading comprehension
  • Over thousands of choice of Books at Centre (Students can bring their own books)

*Setting minimum signup requirement aim to make some students achieve the goal

– 初級班: 5-10歲 : 高級班: 11-15歲
– 最少需報讀6堂*

  • 培養閱讀習慣及改善閱讀技巧
  • 使閱讀理解達到更好成績
  • 中心提供過一千本書的選擇 (學生亦可自行攜帶書本)

* 為了達到課堂目標及效果,所以需上固定堂數。


Click the link to sign up 點入連結報名