Drama Creation Workshop 英語話劇創作工作坊 (E4)

價錢 Price: $180 

8折$144 7折 $126

Mon: 2-3pm ; Wed: 10-11am / 2-3pm

Click the link to sign up 點入連結報名

– Aged 7-15
– Register 8 sessions is advised (6 sessions accepted)*

  • Combining English speaking, script writing, music & theatre craft in one
  • Performance will be filmed at the end of the course

*Setting minimum signup requirement aim to make some students achieve the goal

– 年齡 7-15歲
– 建議報讀8堂(最少需報讀6堂)*

  • 揉合英語會話、寫劇本、音樂及舞台道具製作
  • 最後作品將會在課程完結後錄影

* 為了達到課堂目標及效果,所以需上固定堂數。

Click the link to sign up 點入連結報名