Christmas is here!又到聖誕!



DIY Christmas Card 自製環保聖誕卡 – 利用環保材料創作心意聖誕卡christmas_card

  • Pop-up 3D Christmas Card 立體聖誕卡



Unique Christmas Present 獨特聖誕禮物 – 唔需要大花費,都可以有貴重而實button用小禮物送給自己最愛

  • Button & Pipe Cleaner Crafts 紐扣小手作
  • Organic Lip Balm DIY 有機潤唇膏製作
  • Handmade Handsoap 天然洗手液製作
  • Wooden Crafts 簡單木製玩具製作


Christmas Bake 聖誕大煮意 – 自己焗出經典聖誕薑餅人,cupcake再加上裝飾, 變成食得既聖誕cone-christmas-tree樹!gingerbread

  • Creamy Christmas Tree 忌廉聖誕樹
  • Gingerbread men 薑餅人曲奇

Christmas Song Writer 聖誕填詞人 – 創意+英文Rhyme把傳統聖誕歌變得不一singing-01樣, 又學到英文句子押韻技巧,又可以開心歌唱

  • Jingle Bells, We wish you a Merry Christmas, Deck the Halls etc.



每堂活動費用$50或$100 參與3項活動, 收費包括有獎攤位遊戲, 小吃及飲品
Fee $50 per or $100 for all 3, fees included bazaar games and refreshments

詳情請致電3564-8100/wechat: fun100kids/LINE @100funkids

Click to reserve your place!


Come join the Holiday Fun!

After-School Program for Primary Students

100 Fun Kids 教育中心今年開辦2 項新課程, 為小學同學的課外活動加添色彩!

Diversify LOGO-01是一個為小學生設計獨一無二而全面的校外英語課程﹐學習不再是透過課本或工作紙,而是小組活動及設計項目,主題生活化包括:科學創作、音樂、機率、營養學。點擊了解詳情

Diversify aims for a unique and well-rounded English education for our children. Instead of learning language through textbooks and worksheets, students will be working in groups to focus on creative projects and problem solving. Topics include inventions, music, probability, and nutrition. Click here to get further information.

squash title壁球是一項香港重點培育及非常受歡迎的運動,我們希望培育學生成為香港其中一隊最出色的壁球隊。宗旨提升同學對壁球興趣、加強身體鍛鍊及訓練明日之星。點擊了解詳情

Squash has become a popular and important sport among all walks of life in the community. Our aim is to train students to be one of the elite squash school school teams in Hong Kong. Therefore, the help and support from parents, students and school is very important for us to accomplish our goal. Click here to get further information.


Summer 2016 flyer final-01

由7月11日至8月20 日, 全期6星期,
星期一至五, 任意選擇 

每節課$100, 每星期參加3節會有95折, 參與全日課程有9折, 3日或以上更有8折優惠!



100 Fun Summer Holidays 2016

暑假課程將於下星期隆重推出,內容豐富, 同學要密切留意!
參加暑期課程的同學均會獲得100 Fun精美雨傘一把, 送完即止!


Easter Fun! Kickstart Phonics (Easter Special)

Easter Sounds facebook-01Hunt for Easter Sounds!
Start off the day by making a traditional Easter egg. Blow out the egg white/yolk and paint your own egg!
While you’re waiting for it to dry.. learn to blend Easter-themed vocabulary!
Easter, egg, rabbit, bunny, candy, happy
Sight read other Easter words: chocolate, basket
Then join our Easter egg hunt and find some hidden treasure!

Register online

  • 60分鐘拼音課程,
  • 30分鐘尋蛋遊戲,
  • 30分鐘手作時間,

每位同學還會得到豐富復活節禮物包, 費用只需要$50!
