心裡想念一個人?親人,同學,朋友,老師? 拍一條不多於1分鐘既短片表達自己既思念之情, 就有機會獲得$50 書券以及豐富獎品; 詳情請參閱 http://www.100funeducation.com/clip2020/
CCCC, designed in consideration of children’s specific cognitive and linguistic development, is a standardized test to objectively measure the Chinese proficiency of young test takers from different language and culture backgrounds. With its special emphasis on the everyday lives and interests of children, CCCC helps test takers to understand their own levels of Chinese proficiency and encourages them to pursue further Chinese study.
農歷新年快到啦!參加”小鼠派對”一齊焗應節和式果子以及即場創意書法比賽,勝出同學可獲得$50 書券!立即報名 https://forms.gle/ru6ZBh1QTypxYRdr7 詳情請參閱 www.100funeducation.com/cny2020
Join our Year of Mice Party to enjoy the happiness of this traditional festival! Including festival baking and creative calligraphy tournament! Online Signup https://forms.gle/ru6ZBh1QTypxYRdr7 For details www.100funeducation.com/cny2020🤗