After-School Program for Primary Students

100 Fun Kids 教育中心今年開辦2 項新課程, 為小學同學的課外活動加添色彩!

Diversify LOGO-01是一個為小學生設計獨一無二而全面的校外英語課程﹐學習不再是透過課本或工作紙,而是小組活動及設計項目,主題生活化包括:科學創作、音樂、機率、營養學。點擊了解詳情

Diversify aims for a unique and well-rounded English education for our children. Instead of learning language through textbooks and worksheets, students will be working in groups to focus on creative projects and problem solving. Topics include inventions, music, probability, and nutrition. Click here to get further information.

squash title壁球是一項香港重點培育及非常受歡迎的運動,我們希望培育學生成為香港其中一隊最出色的壁球隊。宗旨提升同學對壁球興趣、加強身體鍛鍊及訓練明日之星。點擊了解詳情

Squash has become a popular and important sport among all walks of life in the community. Our aim is to train students to be one of the elite squash school school teams in Hong Kong. Therefore, the help and support from parents, students and school is very important for us to accomplish our goal. Click here to get further information.