Yo!Pilates 拉筋普拉提

逢星期二、五 13:00-14:00 6歲以上


Week 1:

Concepts – What’s Pilates? What’s the difference between yoga and Pilates?

Practical – Warm-ups, pelvic curl, breathing

Week 2:

Concepts – Breathing pattern and pelvic placement

Practical – Warm-ups, Leg changes, Single leg stretch, Saw, Sitting Spine twist

Week 3:

Concepts – Concept of Lengthening and stabilizing, first stage of muscular and skeletal system

Practical – Chest lift, Chest lift with rotation, Hundreds prep, Spine Stretch

Week 4:

Concepts – Further explanation on muscular and skeletal system, discussion on “core”

Practical – Hundreds, Roll up, Leg Circles, Roll like a ball


Week 5:

Concepts – Final section of muscular and skeletal system

Practical – Cat stretch, Front support, Hamstring pull 1, Swimming, Rocking prep

Week 6:

Concepts – Revision on poses and how to construct a transition of poses

Practical – Transition of all poses in 6 weeks
