You are building a snowman with your friends. Suddenly, it jumps to life.
Describe your encounter with it. What happens to it in the end?
- 原創寫作
- 非小說/小說
A組: 8歲 – 11歲 (最多400字)
B組: 12歲 – 15歲 (最多750字)
1. 作文需用本次比賽之表格遞交
2. 作文需用英文
3. 作文最多字數為1000字
4. 所有8-15歲學生均可參加
5. 作文需為參賽者之原創作品
6. 參加作文將不會發回
7. 每位參賽者可遞交多於一份作文(每份作文參加費為$20, 例如遞交2份作文, 需繳交$40, 如此類推)
8. 如所有參賽作品未能達到水平將不會有冠軍,但仍會設有優異獎
– 郵寄到本中心
– 放入本中心郵箱
– 親身交到北角或上環中心
12月16日(一) 12:00am
第一名: A組及B組均獲得一部Kindle電子書閱讀器
第二名: $50書劵 + 100 Fun 英文寫作班2堂優惠
第三名: $50書劵 + 100 Fun 英文寫作班2堂優惠
第四名: $50書劵 + 100 Fun 英文寫作班2堂優惠
第五名: $50書劵 + 100 Fun 英文寫作班2堂優惠
所有參賽者均可獲得100 Fun 5週年雜誌及聖誕禮物一份
You are building a snowman with your friends. Suddenly, it jumps to life.
Describe your encounter with it. What happens to it in the end?
Writing will be graded on content, creativity, style and language
- Original works
- Non-fiction/fiction
Age group and Word Limit:
Group A – Age 8-11 (up to 400 words)
Group B – Age 12-15 (up to 750 words)
Sign up Fee:
Contest Rules:
1. Stories must be submitted on the attached form.
2. Entries must be written in English
3. Maximum story length is 1000 words.
4. Contest is open to all children, ages 8-15
5. Entries must be the original unpublished work of the child entering the contest.
6. Stories will not be returned.
7. More than one entry paper per child is allowed (be sure to include the $20 sign up fee for each story submitted)
8. No champions if all entries cannot not reach the minimum requirement. Instead, Best Performance Award will be announced.
Please attach another writing of yours to show us your own writing style
How to apply:
– mail to us
– drop into our mailbox
– drop at our office in North Point or Sheung Wan
16/12/2019 (Mon) 12:00am
1st Place: Champions of both group: Kindle
2nd Place: $50 Book Coupon + 100 Fun Writing Class Coupon x 2
3rd Place: $50 Book Coupon + 100 Fun Writing Class Coupon x 2
4th Place: $50 Book Coupon + 100 Fun Writing Class Coupon x 2
5th Place: $50 Book Coupon + 100 Fun Writing Class Coupon x 2
We will contact you the result by 22 Dec via email.
All participants will have 100 Fun 5th Anniversary Magazine + Christmas presents.