時間表 Timetable:

Minimum age to join our class is 5 years old, learning materials would be adjusted according to their academic level
每班5位學生 5 kids per class
時間 Time |
價錢 Fee |
年齡 Age |
10:00-12:00 |
$200 |
13:00-15:00 |
$200 |
15:00-17:00 |
$200 |
10:00-17:00 |
$520# |
11月30日前報名可享有早鳥優惠9折 (*全日課程除外)
Sign up before 30 Nov 2020 can enjoy early bird discount (10% off) (*Except whole day course)
#全日課程此優惠會於11月30日後結束, 之後報名全日課程之價錢為$200/時段
#This offer will be provided until 30 Nov 2020, signup after this date will be charged with $200/section for whole day course.